Description of the project

This project is a tool for rendering 3D graphics in a web page using WebGL. It includes a variety of objects that can are rendered, such as a cylinder, a cube, a bunny, and a torus. The user can control various aspects of the rendering, such as the lighting, camera, and rendering options, using a graphical user interface (GUI) created with the dat.gui library.

Usage instructions

To use the 3D graphics tool, follow these steps:

  1. Open the index.html page in a web browser that supports WebGL.
  2. Use the GUI controls to adjust the rendering options and interact with the 3D models.
  3. Use the mouse and keyboard to navigate the 3D scene.

Keybinding instructions

Key Action
W Move camera forward
S Move camera backward
A Move camera left
D Move camera right
Up arrow Move camera up
Down arrow Move camera down
Q Zoom out
E Zoom in
R Reset camera values
O Open/close all folders in the GUI
C Open/close camera folder in the GUI
L Open/close light folders and subfolders in the GUI
M Open/close material folder in the GUI